
Friday, August 3, 2007


I have added the cocktail of the day widget. Looks like a good way to try some new ones and revisit some old friends. Let me know what you think (unless you are under aged, then you will need to wait until you are 21!)
I need to brag on my team at work. After being out for 3 days, I would normally go back to some sort of catastrophe, drama and chaos. But not this time! Everyone did great! All I had was my normal stuff, and 250 emails. But no drama, no line of people with problems for me to solve. I really appreciate it and have made a point to let them all know!
The boy is doing okay so far. These first 2 weeks are pre-season football camp, and he is scheduled from 7am until 9pm. No room mate yet, but he is hanging out with other guys on the team. I am going to spend some quality time in my studio tonight, and paint a bike-frame tomorrow.
It sure is quiet around here........

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