
Sunday, March 25, 2007


What great week-end weather! The sun, breeze, and time to spend outside enjoying it all!

Al and I had dinner last night at the Governor's West Residence in Asheville. This event was hosted by Sanford-Holshouser, a consulting group which was started by Senator Terry Sanford and former Governor Jim Holshouser. Gov. Holshouser was the host and he was a delight! Most of the people there are involved in the economic development of the western part of our state. It is always interesting to be around the movers and shakers! I was the the token quirky designer, but there was free beer and GREAT food. The conversation was lively and the view:

The view of Asheville was indescribable. There was actually a point of time, around sunset, when the entire crowd was quiet and all attention was turned to watch nature's spectacular show.

I got the chance to talk sustainability to some of these people. They were a great audience and asked good questions.
Well, back to the grind tomorrow, but both this week and next are only 4 working days long.

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