
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The bummer of adulthood

I have been going full tilt since the end of the too-short holiday break. Work all week. Saturdays and Sundays seem like a dream. This week it was a cyclist's dream. I worked at our 1st NC Cyclo-cross event here in our burg. Great weather and lots of mud! My man-cub took third. Wish I could do it! Then Sunday spent at the next 'cross event in the rain! Man-cub took 2nd! Still fun! In my mind I ride it with the others, but in reality I don't have the time I would need to train. WORK gets in the way of fun. 2 hours commute time and 11-12 hours of toiling. And I do have to spend time with my husband, son and dogs! Plus my sewing habit and collage making! At least the days are getting longer. It won't be long and I will have enough time when I get home to get a short bike ride in before dark. Maybe I will be able to ride in the Master's series next year!

My boss is in town this week. It will be nice to get some positive reinforcement!

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