
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Reflections on Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a fantasy city. A city of this size should not flourish in the desert, yet Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the US. Never mind the desert, they harnessed the Colorado River for water. You can watch the water level of Lake Mead go down. There are bright flowers, lush trees, tropical wildlife. The saturated colors of the neon lights and theme resorts make it look like Disney World. I guess Las Vegas is an amusement park for adults. The slot machines are just grown-up video games. The visitors to Las Vegas seem to be living a fantasy as well. They dress as though they were all super models. So weird to me. I sometimes wish I could suspend belief and live my fantasy world. I would about 2 inches taller, 50 pounds lighter, my hair would be a mane of auburn curls and I would have emerald green eyes. I would also be able to dance, walk in heels and giggle disarmingly. But, I am as I am. And I dress rather conservatively. The only conservative thing about me!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Unofficial beginning of Summer

I snapped these beetles procreating on a thistle at the Grand Canyon last week. Sort of timely, since this weekend marks the unofficial beginning of summer and all that sunshine makes us humans more "randy"(hehehe.) The sunshine definitely improves my outlook. We had friends over for yardbird last night. Much fun. We have done a little house work today. Tackling the basement in small increments. Even 2 hours of work makes a big difference! Managed to gather about 6 big bags of crap to put out on the curb. Swept up the dust. Changed air filters. Just those things that need doing. I have 2 new sewing projects: an Amy Butler purse, and a pink/yellow/coral quilt. I have been collecting the fabrics for the quilt for a few months, and I cut it out Saturday. It is going together very quickly. I will post pics once it is complete.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

lots 'o stuff goin on!`

That's me on the West Rim of the Mighty Grand Canyon. "Grand" doesn't do it justice! Magnificent, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, I stumble to find a human word to describe. Al and I took advantage of my conference in Vegas, and stayed an extra day to get to visit this Wonder of the World. We were on the ancestral land of the Hualapi Tribe. They were all very gracious and welcoming. This shot was snapped at Eagle Point which is home to the Sky Bridge, which is owned and operated by the Hualapi. This are was not commercial. We also went to Guano Point where we ate lunch in the Guano Cafe, which is also owned and operated by the Hualapi. This was a fantastic experience!

Vegas was Vegas. Hot, Loud, Gaudy, fun! The heat was pretty extreme. The H/D Expo (hospitality design conference) was my reason for going. It was well attended and is now 2 full floors at the Sands convention center. I saw and spoke with a few of my customers and had the opportunity to see what is happening in the Hospitality world. It was much needed to refill my inspiration tank.

The man-cub is home for the summer and started his summer job. He seems to be himself. I do enjoy his company! We have had a crazy week: back from Las Vegas on Sunday (nightmarish 5 hour delay in the Vegas airport), work Monday and Tuesday, Al was a speaker at the Google ribbon cutting Wednesday (along with Gov. Easley!), I started a class Thursday night (a highly constructed handbag), a dinner party Friday night. We are having friends over for a cookout tomorrow. But Monday is Memorial Day, we don't have to work. Now is the time to settle down into a summer groove.
I will bitch in a later post about the economy and gas prices, but for now I want to concentrate on the good things in life. Have a Great Saturday!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Random pics

I have been making quilts like crazy! It is so relaxing and creatively rewarding. PLUS, I am making Christmas gifts! I hope to make some to sell.