
Monday, October 29, 2007

Wonderful mini vacation

Man and I had a glorious long weekend road trip. 5 days of just go and see. No set schedule, no where we had to be. Until Man-cub's game on Saturday. We laughed a lot and talked a lot and listened to XM radio. We read, laid on the beach, walked, ate, and etc. Great time!
My first visit to Florida's Gulf coast, and hopefully not my last! The beach was quiet, we had it to ourselves. The sand was soft and white, many birds, sea sponges, shells, gentle breezes. If I lived there, I would never leave. But then, my life goal is to live on the coast. I truly feel at peace near the ocean.
Time away from everyday crap refreshes and refocuses me. Even though I went back to work today, I still feel relaxed.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What I want for my Man-cub

I want him to face challenges that leave him stronger and more secure in his abilities.
I want him to find love, with a fantastic person who makes him laugh and who laughs at his jokes.
I want him to have options in life.
I want him to apply himself from the start, not half-way through!
I want him to star in a play, to write what he loves, to see Jimmy Buffet in concert.
I want him to recover a fumble and run for a touchdown (this is my list, I can wish for what I want!)
I want him to win a cyclecross race.
I want him to have the opportunity to pursue his passions in a peaceful world.
I want him to be content.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday afternoon

Went to M-boro yesterday. Saw my Man-cub. Mom made the journey with us. The game was another painful loss. They really need to recruit some defensive players! The man-cub is doing well. He needs to focus on his studies! Met his religion teacher. She is a very nice lady with a delightful accent! She had nice things to say about my son! He is so smart but tends to procrastinate on the education front!
Only working 2 days this week, then road-trip to FLA.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


*Long Time No Blog. What can I say? I have been very busy, work, travel to football games, sleep, work, walk dogs, work, laundry, work, blah, blah, blah.
My team surprised me today. It was "Bosses Day" and they bought me a new Vera Bradley Bowler bag in the new Kensington pattern! Exactly what I wanted! I feel very humbled by their love and affection. I am truly blessed to work with this group of people. If I have to be a manger, these are the people I want reporting to me.
Spent last weekend at Myrtle Beach. I had Friday all to myself. It was wonderful!!! I am really looking forward to our trip to Florida next week. Al and I need an extended time away, together.
I have been researching trips for us to take at Christmas, but haven't settled on one yet. I want it to involve sun, sand, ocean, and fun!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Man-cub came home!

My boy came home for the weekend! This is the first weekend he has had off. We really enjoyed having him here. My son is so smart, strong and handsome. He is charming, witting and entertaining!
Here he is in his dorm with the quilt I made for him.
He got home Thursday night, did laundry, saw some friends, went to the high school game Friday night and the ASU game yesterday. My mom-in-law came up for dinner today and that rounded out the weekend.
Next weekend we head for the beach. Jacob's team is playing down there next Saturday, and I am taking Friday off and driving down Thursday after work. It will be a nice long weekend.

Work is work. A little easier for me since Kristen has moved down from NYC and is the office. She has this great creative energy that keeps me upbeat.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mid week wanderings

Things I love:
My dog, Murray's soft ears.
My other dog, Sophie, lying on her back, wagging her tail, wishing for a belly-rub.
Eggs and sausage scrambled together. (Al fixed this for supper tonight!)
New art supplies
Unlimited time to do art stuff
Getting in the "zone" on a project, feeling totally in the moment
Krispy Kreme Lemon-filled doughnuts
Crushed ice in a soft drink
The Atlantic Ocean
My sweet hubby
My fabulous son
My hysterically funny Dad
My impossibly naive Mom
My bellicose, genius brother
My sisters-in-law, Shelia and Staci
My wonderful Mother-in-Law (Meme)
Margaritas, Cosmos, Mojitos
Blackberry Cobbler
Naomi's Chocolate cake
Colors (all of them)
Color combos: pink and brown; soft blue and brown; red, orange, purple and gold; black and white polka dots
Little birds