
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Burn-out abounding

Lately, I am having trouble keeping myself motivated and keeping my mouth shut. We had a job satisfaction survey where one of the statements was "My opinion matters" agree or disagree. Well, if the past 2 weeks are a trend, then my answer is disagree. My opinion is moot, I need to just be the trained monkey and do what I am told, no thinking allowed.
I know, I have ranted about this before, but I am not designing. I am shuffling widgets. I make decisions which are then undermined by others. Surely there is a better use of my time.
What should I do with my life?

Fortunately I have found an outlet for my creativity, since I am given little opportunity at work. I am involved in mail art and art swapping. My art goes to others all over the world and they seem to like it. I hope I am putting out good karma with the art.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

burn-out or time to rant

Another shitty day in paradise.
Work, it is a 4 lettered word. Currently hating my job with a red-hot loathing. How can an organization put so many roadblocks to success? We analyze the hell out of everything! We spend far to much time and effort, as well as resources testing things to death! Sometime people just screw up! Sometimes we have way too much to do in too little time, with not enough people to catch every tiny issue. It fabric, for crying out loud! We are not curing cancer! It goes on office chairs, in cars and in hotel rooms. Yes, it needs to be done right, but sometimes the people in production just screw up.
I don't design anymore, I don't even manage design! I just create charts to track where samples are and to verify lab results and to prove I am working!
No one tells me I am doing a good job, well, that's not true. My direct reports do. My staff appreciates me, but my boss(es) just seem to dictate orders to me like I am a trained monkey. My opinion doesn't seem to matter. And that hurts.

Friday, May 18, 2007

NC State High School Track Meet

Check out the guy on podium spot #5.
Yes, it is my man-cub, the Grom! He made it into the State meet by finishing 2nd in the 2A Regionals last week. He went in today the #12 seed, and in the first flight he threw his personal best of 46'4". We waited tensely through all the competitors to find out that he had made it into the final 9 and competed in the championship flight. He went into that 9th, and on his first throw, released a monster 48'1.5", making a new personal best AND breaking his high school record by almost a foot! We are all thrilled! The look on his face, the joy of his accomplishment, this is one of the great parts of being a parent. Today has been a day of JOY. He went into this wanting to do his best, and he did!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Another Sunday morning to end another incredibly busy week and begin yet another jam-packed week. I am glad it is edging closer to Memorial Day as I need some extended time to decompress!
Man-cub participated in the Regional 2A Track Meet yesterday and placed 2nd in Shot-put, earning a spot as a State Track Meet qualifier! We are very proud of him and excited for this opportunity! I will be traveling to NYC and will not be back in time to watch him. Pesky customers and salespeople who demand time!

My art swaps are taking a lot of time now as well, but I still do not have as much time to spend on them as I wish! Above is a page for an Orange themed tip-in. I will be mailing this week.

Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

outlet for my creativity

I have recently began participating in art swaps with a group on the Internet. I am having a blast! So far, I have swapped ATC's, which is short for Artist's Trading Cards. These are 2.5" x 3.5" and can be of almost any medium. Some of the swaps are themed, others are just general. I am preparing to participate in a journal round-robin. I am embellishing a sketchbook, putting in a few of my own pages, then it will be going to 9 others to have them embellish and create in my book, while I do the same for them. It is very inspiring and exciting. I also signed up for a tip-in swap today with the theme of "Orange". I am psyched about this since True Colors is one of my favorite books and this is a similar premise.
I am also watching the wildflower spots. Some are beginning to bloom. I have my camera ready and can stop and shoot on my home.

Enjoy spring!