
Sunday, April 29, 2007

springtime schedule

As you can see, I have been creative today! This past week (and month!) has been so full, I haven't had enough time to accomplish all I want to, much less all I need to! The nice weather leads me to stay outside more in the evening, which lessens my time in the studio; travelling for work lessens the time I can spend with my family; my man-cub's schedule is crazy with track events, prom, college events and his other social activities. The lazy evenings of February seem so far behind us. Work has been on overload, I am handling the extreme stress with a combination of drugs, exercise, creative time and a bad attitude. I am driving all my team's projects as fast as I can.

I just want and need more personal creative time. I have been trying to nurture my creativity by doing something creative each day, but now the ideas are backing up and I need more time to express them. Oh, well, I must strike while the iron is hot. No more time to blog today.

Monday, April 23, 2007

how do things happen?

What a wild week. Virginia Tech is devastated by horrible acts of violence. Man cub didn't want to see any of it so I didn't watch any coverage. Just so much blame going around. My prayers go up for those lost, those hurt and those mourning. We need to focus on loving each other more.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Good things.....

My man-cub received his "Letter of Intent" today! He is going to be a scholarship athlete! We started watching him play football on Wednesday afternoons, when he was in middle school. Then Thursday nights for JV (undefeated!). Friday nights for Varsity. Now we will be following him around to see him play on Saturdays!
He is so happy, and his dad and I are so proud.
The weather has been wild of late. These past 2 days have been cool, but the sunshine has been great and the skies are so clear.
Work has been a 4 letter word this week. I am back to being way past tired and on to weary. Too much for me to do effectively and efficiently. I am now trying to hire a new designer. We really need the help. We need someone who can think for themselves, think on their feet and get it done! All the while being very creative and technologically savvy.
The one who left (a be-otch, who has been a thorn in my side for 4 years) worked as little as possible and did the least she could to get by. So having one who works, will be a nice change. Hopefully, since she and her drama are now gone, next week should be nice, peaceful and quiet. I will still have way too much to do, but I will not have to do it while she is surfing the net on my time!
I am not traveling again until late May. It is nice to stay home! I have joined an art-swap group and I am having a lot of fun with that. I believe I will go and work in my studio for a while.

Friday, April 6, 2007

winding down

Whew, this last week has been jam-packed with activity and I am wiped-out!
I took my mom to NYC last weekend. It was her first time. We rose at 4am Friday morning to catch a 7am flight out of Charlotte. We landed in NYC on a gorgeous day and walked mid-town Manhattan! I took her to the Garment district, up 5th Avenue to Central Park. Into St. Patrick's and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We shopped, looked, talked, walked and absorbed the energy. I really enjoyed showing her my favorite places. We went downtown on Saturday, we took the subway down to 23rd Street, walked through Washington Square Park into SoHo, shopped and looked. Then continued down to Canal Street and Chinatown. We ate in Little Italy then to the subway back up to Grand Central. It was a blast!